Pablo Escobar’s Holiday Home and Billionaire Houses Left to Decay
Abi Harman
05 April 2023
Haunting abandoned homes of the super-rich
Alamy Stock Photo / JORGE RIOS / Getty
King Fahd's holiday home
Steve Ronin / YouTube
King Fahd's holiday home
Steve Ronin / YouTube
King Fahd's holiday home
Steve Ronin / YouTube
King Fahd's holiday home
Steve Ronin / YouTube
King Fahd's holiday home
Steve Ronin / YouTube
Billionaires' Row
Beyond the Point
Billionaires' Row
Beyond the Point
Billionaires' Row
Beyond the Point
Billionaires' Row
Beyond the Point
Billionaires' Row
Beyond the Point
The Coca-Cola heir's derelict mansion
G. DAWSON / Flickr [CC BY-NC-ND 2.0]
The Coca-Cola heir's derelict mansion
Media Drum World / Alamy
The Coca-Cola heir's derelict mansion
Media Drum World / Alamy
The Coca-Cola heir's derelict mansion
Media Drum World / Alamy
The Coca-Cola heir's derelict mansion
Elle Jaye Dee / Flickr [CC BY-NC-ND 2.0]
The abandoned Peter Grant Mansion
The abandoned Peter Grant Mansion
The abandoned Peter Grant Mansion
The abandoned Peter Grant Mansion
The abandoned Peter Grant Mansion
Pablo Escobar's La Manuela
Pablo Escobar's La Manuela
Pablo Escobar's La Manuela
jyurinko / Shutterstock
Pablo Escobar's La Manuela
jyurinko / Shutterstock
Pablo Escobar's La Manuela
Steve Jobs' Jackling House
Jonathan Haeber / Flickr (CC BY-NC 2.0)
Steve Jobs' Jackling House
Jonathan Haeber / Flickr (CC BY-NC 2.0)
Steve Jobs' Jackling House
Jonathan Haeber / Flickr (CC BY-NC 2.0)
Steve Jobs' Jackling House
Jonathan Haeber / Flickr (CC BY-NC 2.0)
Steve Jobs' Jackling House
Jonathan Haeber / Flickr (CC BY-NC 2.0)
Lynnewood Hall
FMS57 / Shutterstock
Lynnewood Hall
svvvk / YouTube
Lynnewood Hall
@lynnewood_hall / Instagram
Lynnewood Hall
svvvk / YouTube
Lynnewood Hall
svvvk / YouTube
Lynnewood Hall
svvvk / YouTube
The Mellon mansion
Abandoned Southeast
The Mellon mansion
Abandoned Southeast
The Mellon mansion
Abandoned Southeast
The Mellon mansion
Abandoned Southeast
The Mellon mansion
Abandoned Southeast
Abercrombie's castle
Abercrombie's castle
Abercrombie's castle
Abercrombie's castle
Abercrombie's castle
The forgotten Italian palace
Steve Ronin / YouTube
The forgotten Italian palace
Steve Ronin / YouTube
The forgotten Italian palace
Steve Ronin / YouTube
The forgotten Italian palace
Steve Ronin / YouTube
The forgotten Italian palace
Steve Ronin / YouTube
The havelis of India
Cheryl Ramalho / Shutterstock
The havelis of India
Globetrotter Museum / Shutterstock
The havelis of India
Christophe Cappelli / Shutterstock
The havelis of India
Christophe Cappelli / Shutterstock
The havelis of India
Stefano Barzellotti / Shutterstock
Harley Clarke Mansion
Eddie J. Rodriquez / Shutterstock
Harley Clarke Mansion
Paul R. Burley / Wikimedia [CC BY-SA 4.0]
Harley Clarke Mansion
Paul R. Burley / Wikimedia [CC BY-SA 4.0]
Harley Clarke Mansion
Paul R. Burley / Wikimedia [CC BY-SA 4.0]
Harley Clarke Mansion
Paul R. Burley / Wikimedia [CC BY-SA 4.0]
Genshiro Kawamoto's abandoned mansion
Exploring with Fighters / YouTube
Genshiro Kawamoto's abandoned mansion
Steve Ronin / YouTube
Genshiro Kawamoto's abandoned mansion
Steve Ronin / YouTube
Genshiro Kawamoto's abandoned mansion
Steve Ronin / YouTube
Genshiro Kawamoto's abandoned mansion
Steve Ronin / YouTube
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