Abandoned hoarder houses that are full to the brim
These derelict homes are far from empty

Eerie Brisbane hoarder house

Located in Brisbane, Australia, this derelict timber house has suffered the test of time both inside and out. Long abandoned, the exterior is falling apart with shattered windows, faded wood and graffiti scrawled across the brickwork. However, inside a captivating story awaits...
Eerie Brisbane hoarder house

Eerie Brisbane hoarder house

Eerie Brisbane hoarder house

Abandoned time warp home

After the passing of both owners, this house was left untouched and slowly began to fall into disrepair. Packed full of old antiques, instruments and more, it's a treasure trove of yesteryear. The pink retro kitchen has seen better days, with cupboards full to the brim with crockery and a sink overflowing with rubbish.
Abandoned time warp home

Abandoned time warp home

In the living room, it looks as if someone has started to tidy up. However, with stacks upon stacks of old magazines and videos, there's an awful lot to make your way through. Hidden underneath the piles of rubbish, urban explorer Dave from Freaktography stumbled across mementos of the family's history, including birth certificates and wedding photos.
Abandoned time warp home

Southern Belle frozen in time

Southern Belle frozen in time

Captured by abandoned photographer Leland Kent, the last owner of the property is thought to have been Ms Eve Griffin, a regular fixture on the lounge music circuit in the 60s and 70s. Eve purchased the property in 1987 for the sum of £23,000 ($30k). Items such as the black and white Elvis poster in this old room highlight her love of music and her successful singing career.
Southern Belle frozen in time

Southern Belle frozen in time

Eerie untouched collector's house

Urbex photographer Freaktography captured this eerie, abandoned house in Southern Canada. Once belonging to a couple with a penchant for dolls, trinkets and books, their home became a homage to their avid collecting.
Eerie untouched collector's house

Eerie untouched collector's house

Eerie untouched collector's house

Now frozen in time, the house would have once been a bright and airy space, especially the living room which features a huge picture window. With the pane now smashed, this room has been left open to the elements. The future doesn't look good for their prized collections...
Majestic abandoned mansion

Located at the end of a winding driveway and hidden behind trees sits this abandoned mansion. With stunning arched windows and red brickwork, the exterior almost looks as grand as it would have in its heyday, but inside it's a very different story.
Majestic abandoned mansion

Majestic abandoned mansion

Majestic abandoned mansion

As well as cluttered bedrooms like this one, the home also purportedly has a secret attic room in the rafters, packed with a treasure trove of old items that were collected over the years. From an expensive antique typewriter to valuable games and old photos, the array of discarded gems could be worth a pretty penny now.
Forgotten hoarder's cabin

Said to have last been lived in by the son of the original owners, this run-down cabin in Southern Ontario is packed with decades-old items. Thanks to the hole in the ceiling, the woodland cabin and its huge collection of personal items are slowly descending into ruin.
Forgotten hoarder's cabin

Forgotten hoarder's cabin

Forgotten hoarder's cabin

Formally a generous living space with a cosy fireplace, this area is now riddled with dust and dirt. A collection of competition rosettes adorns the fireplace alongside family photos, while the floor features stacks of magazines and even some discarded artwork.
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